Friday, August 19, 2016

Yellow Curd rasam Lakshmi Charu

yellow rasam

This dish is very famous in andhra.It is one of the andhra pradesh favourite food items.This dish is not new admission in our kitchen school it is very old student in our traditional recipe college.My grand mother oftenly prepare this rasam very easy.Do not need to add  more  ingredients also.we can make this one very quickly  and easy .
Some people do not like to eat curd with rice(plain curd) like my son.They feel some alergy to smell the curd which is coming from plain curd.But adding seasonings and mixing with red chilli powder and salt gives good aroma to this curd recipe.Adding turmeric gives bright colour too.Of course turmeric is a natural food colour.So this rasam looks good and taste is delicious.So children or any one who does not like to eat plain curd will definitely like this rasam.. and get their body all benefits of curd.