Showing posts with label wheat flour preparation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wheat flour preparation. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Healthy Multi Grain Flour Making

multi grain chapati flour

 We can prepare healthy and energetic multi grain flour at home easily. Making this flour at home we can get hygienic and  pure multi grain atta(with out maida or any other impure ingredients).We can make soft chapaties and pulkas with this flour.


wheat 1kg
finger millet(ragi) 100 grs
green gram(pesalu) 100 grs
oats 100 grs
flax seeds 100grs
dry corn 100 grs
pearl millet(sajjalu) 100 grs
great millet(jonnalu) 100 grs
Barley 100 grs
dry soya beans 100 grs
chana dal 100 grs


Clean all ingredients if any small stones are existed in grains.
 Dry all ingredients (except oats )  in hot sun shade for one or two days.
Take a mixie jar and add all ingredients and make a fine power.
For getting fine powder you have to sieve the flour.
This is very healthy flour and good in the taste too.If we take 2 pulkas with this flour regularly ,makes our body strong and heatlhy because we can eat many grains in  our daily diet that gives healthy life (our  healthy ancestors secret ).

Keep in the mind

In winter season we do not get hot sun.In that time we can make the flour after roasting the grains slightly.Only small amount of flour we have to make because roasted grain flour may not be store for long time instead of dried in the sun shade.
We can store many months if we dry the grains properly.
And do not use wet hand to take the flour from the container at the time of preparing dough.