Showing posts with label benefits of wheat germ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label benefits of wheat germ. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Health Benefits of wheat

whole wheat

1. whole wheat has high source of protein and carbohydrates that gives lot of energy to the body.
2.vitamins like B,folates and nutrients like manganeese,phosphorus and magnesium present in wheat.
3. whole wheat improves body metabolism.
4.reduces bile  acid secretion and helps to avoid gall stones .
5.protects against childhood asthma.
6.controls body weight .best food in the time of  weight loss.
7. wheat has omega 3 fatty acids that is good for heart  and controls cardiovascular diseases.
8.protect from cancers like breast and colon.
9. wheat is high fiber content. good for digestive system and prevents constipation.
10. prevent type 2 diabetes.take wheat items in the place of rice items.
11. suffering rheumatic pains main cause of inflammation.wheat controls inflammation in the body and gives relief from some chronic problems like osteoporosis.
12. prevents gastrointestinal problems in women.
13.prevents heart attacks due to  controls cholestrol levels in the body.